A multimedia system is any system that has an impact through several channels at once: video, audio, text, and often also enables interactive interaction, for example, in the course of a game or training. A more advanced level of multimedia are considered intelligent systems, which not only broadcast information, but can centrally manage it. For example, such a system can be configured to turn on at a certain time before the event. At the same time, it checks for errors by itself and “knows” the sequence of playback. Such systems can be synchronized with the schedule of events in the mail service.
You can’t do without smart multimedia when designing a security system as well. “Smart multimedia” is able to “cover” the entire space, provide limited access to it, video surveillance, triggering of fire sensors and alerts, that is, it works on several fronts simultaneously.
So, the main task of intelligent media systems is to make our lives easier, to make the necessary processes more functional, to optimize them, thereby reducing the time and cost. All parts of the system are interconnected and are included in a single information space. The system is often controlled from a single point, by one person, and is intuitive and accessible.
Intelligent systems can be used in almost any area of business. Today they are actively used in all European countries and the USA. Specialists believe that multimedia is the future. But in this case, we can say that the future has already arrived.
Means of multimedia technology
Multimedia technology uses hardware and software. The hardware includes analog and digital signal converters, video processors, decoders, sound and video cards. That is, all devices for sound recording, playback, transmission and processing of sound and images (including virtual reality tools – glasses, binoculars, VR-helmets and gloves, 3D-panels).
Software tools are what help to develop multimedia applications. That is, programs for working with graphics and images, creating animation, including 3D-animation, sound processing, video editing, etc.