Not only has television survived the digital challenge, it has become one of the fastest-growing sectors. In this business, consumers and advertisers are willing to pay for something influential
About cable TV
Cable TV what is it
Cable TV is an analog model of television broadcasting (as well as sometimes FM radio broadcasting) in which television signals are distributed through high-frequency signals transmitted through a cable laid to the consumer.
How cable TV works
All types of cable television operate thanks to the following components: antennas for receiving television signals from the RTRS airwaves and amplifiers, amplified wire stations, connectors, etc
What is the difference between cable and digital TV?
Every home of a modern person has a TV set - the main source of information and entertainment content.
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History of television
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Multimedia and its role in the modern world
A multimedia system is any system that has an impact through several channels at once: video, audio, text, and often also enables interactive interaction, for example, in the course of a game or training.
Future TV trends
Not only has television survived the digital challenge, it has become one of the fastest-growing sectors. In this business, consumers and advertisers are willing to pay for something influential
Satellite TV technology
Satellites used for television broadcasting are usually located in a geostationary orbit (35,786 km above the Earth’s equator).
Types and principle of operation of antennas
Before installing a satellite dish, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with its types and how it works. The receiving antenna is a parabolic dish that independently receives satellite microwaves
How does satellite TV work?
Satellite television is a system for transmitting television signals from transmission centers to consumers using artificial Earth satellites as an intermediate link.
What is the difference between cable and digital TV?
Every home of a modern person has a TV set – the main source of information and entertainment content.
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